
Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Key Elements of Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design (RWD) is more than simply adjusting a website’s layout and appearance to the appropriate screen size. Various other elements also enter the picture when determining how well a website responds to different screen sizes and orientations.


Navigational elements should be easy enough to spot but shouldn’t overwhelm the content on any given page. This balance may be upset if the website simply scales onto the screen. Some make the mistake of simply enlarging or shrinking web pages according to device screen size. A better technique would be to change the size or orientation depending on the browser width.


Images and videos make a website feel lively and attractive. Remember, though, that all multimedia elements should adapt along with the rest of the design so that every page is rendered optimally. The use of flexible images allows media to be rendered in full size when viewed on a large enough screen and scaled down to fit smaller ones.


Branding should be consistent across all aspects of a business, and mobile responsive web design is no exception. A minimalist aesthetic makes it easier to maintain branding consistency when it comes to web design as fewer elements need to be adjusted to fit the screen.

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